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guo pu造句

"guo pu"是什么意思  
  • Guo Pu's commentary glosses these four pests as types of " huang"
  • Guo Pu's commentary gives the synonym " menggui " and says ( tr.
  • Guo Pu, who was famed for his skills in writing and divination, is considered the foremost writer of the Eastern Jin period.
  • Whoever eats it will not be affected by malign forces . " The commentary of Guo Pu notes this creature's meat will make a person immune to the effects of supernatural " qi ".
  • When Guo Pu climbed to the top of West Guo Mountain ( 夗恞 \ ) in Wenzhou, he saw the range of mountains of Wenzhou together shaped as dipper and the city itself aside from mountains shaped as key.
  • If not for the survival of Chinese scholar Guo Pu's early 4th century AD annotations to " " Fu " on the Imperial Park ", much of its ancient and esoteric terminology would now be unintelligible.
  • The " Shui Jing " ( " Waterways Classic " ) was written anonymously in the 3rd century during the Three Kingdoms era ( attributed often to Guo Pu ), and gave a description of some 137 rivers found throughout China.
  • Though the majority of the collection have subsequently been lost, the restoration work, which involved identifying a great number of variant scripts as well as collating fragmented bamboo strips and finding parallels in the received literature of the time, sparked renewed interest in ancient texts and epigraphy among Xun Xu's contemporaries such as L?Chen ( BT?_ ), who extended upon " Shuowen Jiezi " to write the " Zilin ", Guo Pu ( 韾瀟 ), who wrote annotations to " Erya ", " Sancang ", " Fangyan ", " Shan Hai Jing ", and the " Tale of King Mu ", and Zhang Hua, who wrote an encyclopedic treatise on wide-ranging topics, supposedly in a thousand scrolls, the " Bowuzhi ", to note a few.
  • It's difficult to see guo pu in a sentence. 用guo pu造句挺难的
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